
Active Mind supplement formula – phosphatidylserine (PS)

Phospholipids are organic chemicals that are the basic components of cell membranes. Each organ has a different type of membrane structure, which is associated with various types of phospholipids.

Many times you can hear about them in the context of cosmetics. They are often part of various creams or body lotions that help maintain optimal skin condition. In other cases, they are mentioned in the context of maintaining normal liver function or regulating cholesterol levels. It is no different with the nervous system and neurons that are associated with a compound called phosphatidylserine.

What is phosphatidylserine?

Mianem fosfatydyloseryny (PS) określa się składnik aktywny zaliczany do grona fosfolipidów współtworzących błony komórkowe. Głównymi miejscami jego występowania w organizmie człowieka są mózg (przede wszystkim hipokamp, kora i opuszka mózgowa), płuca oraz mięśnie – sercowy i szkieletowe. Fosfatydyloseryna jest pochodną innego istotnego związku, a mianowicie fosfatydylocholiny. Nietrudno domyślić się, że powstaje na drodze przyłączenia aminokwasu (seryny) w miejsce witaminy B4 (choliny). Specjaliści postrzegają fosfatydyloserynę przede wszystkim jako składnik oddziałujący na funkcje kognitywne i regulujący poziom kortyzolu (powszechnie określanego mianem hormonu stresu). W praktyce okazuje się, że dokładny mechanizm aktywności biologicznej tej substancji nie został jeszcze poznany.

Phosphatidylserine (PS) refers to the active ingredient belonging to the group of phospholipids that make up cell membranes. The main places of its occurrence in the human body are the brain (primarily the hippocampus, cortex and cerebrum), lungs and muscles – cardiac and skeletal. Phosphatidylserine is a derivative of another important compound, namely phosphatidylcholine. It is not difficult to guess that it is formed by attaching an amino acid (serine) in place of vitamin B4 (choline). Specialists see phosphatidylserine primarily as an ingredient that affects cognitive functions and regulates cortisol levels (commonly referred to as stress hormone). In practice, it turns out that the exact mechanism of the biological activity of this substance has not yet been known.

Natural sources in the daily diet

In most cases, foasfatidylserine found in dietary supplements is derived from soy lecithin. However, this does not exclude the possibility of obtaining it from generally available food products. Good and natural sources of phosphatidylserine are mainly high-protein products such as:

  • eel,
  • tuna,
  • chicken,
  • white beans,
  • herring and Atlantic mackerel.

There is often information that beef brains are a valuable source of PS. This product is perceived as dangerous due to the high risk of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD), which is commonly referred to as “mad cow disease”. Therefore, the above-mentioned products will be a much better choice.

It should not be forgotten that the absorption of phosphatidylserine from food is limited. Despite the high content of this ingredient in a given product, only a part of it will be obtained and used by the body. It is for this purpose that it is recommended to use supplements that will allow a simple and effective enrichment of the daily diet.

The consequences of the shortage

Although the risk of absolute and large phosphatidylserine deficiency is rather rare, a lowering of its content can be seen much more often. The effects of a reduced concentration of PS are usually:

  • concentration problems and persistent distraction,
  • difficulties in learning and solving logical tasks,
  • deterioration of memory and memory functioning,
  • increase in cortisol level – intensification of catabolism and increased risk of stress,
  • limited association and problems with cause and effect thinking.

Discover the benefits and properties of phosphatidylserine

Since phosphatidylserine deficiency is not a common and common problem, is it worth thinking about additional supplementation? Yes! Maintaining the appropriate level of PS will certainly prove helpful for everyday functioning, which in today’s era is inextricably linked to stress or life at full speed. Phosphatidylserine will help adapt to difficult conditions.

Reduction of cortisol levels

Often, PS is recommended for people exposed to high stress. High levels of cortisol can also be observed in situations such as intensive exercise or sleep problems. Increased cortisol concentration adversely affects the work of the nervous system, weakens immunity, increases fatigue, and above all maintains an unfavorable state of elevated tension and nervousness. Chronic stress is destructive to the body, a good example of which is the occurrence of a number of mental and somatic abnormalities. Phosphatidylserine proves helpful in normalizing cortisol levels and limits its unexpected increase.

It is also worth adding that PS will be used by people exercising. Regulation of stress hormone concentration is carried out simultaneously with another component of the so-called ACTH – adrenocorticotropic hormone. Such action may prove to be important for improving the well-being of athletes after unusually intense and exhausting training and helps to reduce persistent muscle pain.

Stimulation of neurotransmitter secretion

Phosphatidylserine has real application for improving neuronal transmission and stimulation of choline- and dopaminergic neurotransmitters. Some scientific papers indicate that the systematic use of PS may translate into increased acetylcholine release. These properties are extremely important for the work of the nervous system and psychological activities, leading to the improvement of brain function and cognition. Maintaining the appropriate level of neurotransmitters helps counteract the consequences of increasing psychophysical fatigue and helps maintain an adequate level of focus.

Another issue is the fact that the nootropic properties of phosphatidylserine will work well for memory. Limited neurotransmission repeatedly translates into deficits resulting in difficult memory. PS used in people with memory problems (e.g. the elderly because of old age or people working intensively mentally) can benefit, which will be noticeable by improving the processing of nervous information, more efficient thinking, or increased effectiveness of short-term auditory memory.

Impact on brain glucose levels

High glucose levels in brain structures are not a beneficial symptom. Specialists repeatedly associate this condition with an increased risk of certain neurodegenerative diseases, e.g. Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s. Both diseases are very well known for their negative impact on the cognitive abilities mentioned earlier and can lead to their clear deficits. Phosphatidylserine appears to have a beneficial effect on their mitigation and may prove to be a valuable supplement during treatment. Its direct effect on glucose metabolism may be beneficial both for the weakening of symptoms and for reducing the risk of these diseases.

Other properties of phosphatidylserine

  • It can be helpful in reducing the risk of muscle mass loss by lowering cortisol levels
  • Favors physically active people in maintaining proper focus despite the growing load

Why was phosphatidylserine included in the Labosal Active Mind product?

The use of phosphatidylserine in the comprehensive Labosal Active Mind formula is another way to optimize the body’s work during periods of increased psychophysical involvement. This component due to the real impact on reducing stress levels and maintaining proper functioning of cognitive activities will be a valuable enrichment of the diet for the elderly, athletes and white-collar workers. It is also worth adding that PS may have valuable value in preventing neurodegenerative processes and has a positive effect on the regulation of neurotransmission processes. Therefore, the presence of phosphatidylserine in this product will increase the properties of other components and ensure an effective impact on the state of the nervous system. Choose wisely and wisely – preferably with Labosal Active Mind!

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